1. First off upon logging onto your UCSM you find this lovely error:
2. So what is happening here is you done messed up A A Ron! A VLAN was deleted from the global LAN Cloud area and more than likely is still attached to a vNIC template out there. There can be some other causes, but this has been the most common issue I have found with this error. Your UCS has a VLAN it does not know what to do with.
3. So, from the error screen, go ahead and go to your LAN section in your UCS and go to your vNIC templates section:
4. Now we can go ahead and select this VLAN we thought was gone, and click on the Delete at the bottom.
5. Once you delete the VLAN, the errors should go down or start going away. You want to check all your vNIC templates to ensure it has been removed.
2. So what is happening here is you done messed up A A Ron! A VLAN was deleted from the global LAN Cloud area and more than likely is still attached to a vNIC template out there. There can be some other causes, but this has been the most common issue I have found with this error. Your UCS has a VLAN it does not know what to do with.
3. So, from the error screen, go ahead and go to your LAN section in your UCS and go to your vNIC templates section:
4. Now we can go ahead and select this VLAN we thought was gone, and click on the Delete at the bottom.
5. Once you delete the VLAN, the errors should go down or start going away. You want to check all your vNIC templates to ensure it has been removed.