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Linking Active Directory to Palo Alto

 ###First you need to create a server profile under the LDAP section. DEVICE>Server Profiles>LDAP then click on the Add down at the bo...

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Simple NAT Rule for Cisco Router

1.    First off, you need to map out the following:
    a.    Your pool of NAT addresses.
    b.    Your pool of inside addressing going to be going through the NAT.
    c.    Your interface facing the inside of your network.
    d.    Your interface facing the outside that is going to the NAT.
2.    Once you have the information, you create a scope for your inside network with an Access-List:
    a.    #access-list 1 permit 10.x.x.x
3.    Next you need to create your NAT pool (you can do this before or after your access list but it works the same):
    a.    #ip nat pool TESTPOOL 100.x.x.x 102.x.x.x netmask
4.    Now, you link your access-list to the NAT pool you just created. This sends your access-list through the NAT pool and will be utilizing the addresses in this pool for the NAT.
    a.    #ip nat inside source list 1 pool TESTPOOL
5.    Finally, you apply NAT to your inside and outside interfaces:
    a.    #interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0
        i.    #ip nat inside
    b.    #interface TenGigabitEthernet2/0
        i.    #ip nat outside
    c.    #end
6.    You have now assigned a group of IP addresses on your inside network, to a NAT pool facing the outside network. Also, you indicated where the NAT is going on the inside and outside of your interfaces.

References: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/network-address-translation-nat/13772-12.html

Enable a Routable/Switched Virtual Interface (SVI) for a Layer 3 Switch

1.    First off, if it is a brand-new switch with no routing interfaces already on the device (usually straight out of the box), then you need to enable IP routing on the switch. This enables the switch to do routing on the device itself.
    a.    #configure terminal
    b.    #ip routing
2.    Now that routing is enabled, we can create our SVI, or our vlan interface. This is creating a default gateway on the switch itself to allow inter-vlan routing within the switch. This eliminates the need for a router in between the switch and its separate networks/VLANs.
    a.    #configure terminal
    b.    #interface vlan 100
    c.    #ip address X.X.X.1
    d.    #no shut (don’t forget to do this since your SVI interfaces can be shut down by default. Just check to be sure)
3.    Now you can test your traffic and ensure it passes through.

References: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/lan-switching/inter-vlan-routing/41860-howto-L3-intervlanrouting.html

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

NTP Settings Cisco Router and Switch

To show the current clock time
o #show clock
Configure net NTP server:
o #ntp server IPAddressofNTPServer
Show current NTP configurations:
o #show ntp associations
Show current NTP synchronization status:
o #show ntp status


Managing Disk in Cisco HyperFlex

List Disk in the HX Cluster
    •    Log into the storage controller through SSH CLI.
    •    To list the disk the following command:
        o    stcli disk list [-h] {--id ID | --name NAME} [--rescan]
                Syntax Description
                --id ID: ID of storage cluster node.
                --ip NAME: IP address of the storage cluster mode.
                --rescan: Rescan disks.
        o    example: stcli disk list --ip YourStorageControllerIP --rescan
Adding a New Disk to the HX Cluster
    •    Log into the storage controller through SSH CLI
    •    Use the steps above to list the disk and select the ID/Disk you wish to add.
    •    Oncec you get your disk, input the following syntax:
        o    stcli disk add [-h]{--id ID | --name NAME} --blacklisted-disk-ids [DISKIDS [DISKIDS...]]
                Syntax Description:
                --is ID: ID of storage cluster node
                --name NAME: Name of storage cluster node.
                --blacklisted-disk-ids [DISKIDS [DISKIDS…]]: Blacklisted disks to add to storage cluster. Separate multiple IDs with a space.
    •    stcli disk add --name HX1-TEST.TEST.ORG --blacklisted-disk-ids XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


Cisco HyperFLex Data Platform CLI Guide, 3.0: stcli disk Commands

Cisco HyperFLex Data Platform CLI Guide, 3.0: stcli datastore Commands