###First you need to create a server profile under the LDAP section.
DEVICE>Server Profiles>LDAP then click on the Add down at the bottom of the page.
Fill in the required information:
Profile Name ###the name of this LDAP object your creating
Server List ###This is inputting the DNS name, LDAP server IPs, and the port number information
##For port info, 389 and 636
Server Settings:
Type: active-directory
Base DN: DC=LAB,DC=LOCAL (stands for lab.local, or whatever your domain is)
Bind DN: svc.acct@lab.local (whatever your service account name is)
Password: Service account password
Confirm Password: confirm it
Bind Timeout: 30
Seach Timeout: 30
Retry Interval: 60
If you click on "Require SSL/TLS secured connection" it will try and force encryption when available
###Next, you can create an Authentication Profile to associate with user accounts.
DEVICE>Authentication Profiles>then click Add at the bottom of the page.
Authentication Profile Settings:
Under Authentication, fill out the following:
Type: LDAP
Login Attribute: sAMAccountName
Password Expiry Warning: 7
User Domain: lab.local
Username Modifier: %USERINPUT%
Leave Factors tab alone
Then for to Advanced Tab
Allow List: Click Add
Select all to ensure all users are applied
###Now you can go to Administrators and add admins and associate them to the Authentication Profile
DEVICE>Administrators>Add or click on a user you want to work with
On Authentication Profile, click the drop down and then select the profile you setup from the previous step.
This user can now use their AD account to login.