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 ###First you need to create a server profile under the LDAP section. DEVICE>Server Profiles>LDAP then click on the Add down at the bo...

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Common and Basic Cisco Commands

Common and Basic Cisco Commands
This list is just a quick list of tips and commands that are only for my reference. These are just quick inputs and notes, and these are not considered a walkthrough. This list will constantly be updated over time and when I have time to update it.

·         You type in something wrong and get the “Translating “your incorrect entry” …domain server (, you can stop this in the middle of it by the following:
o   Ctrl+Shift+6 will abort this process.
·         To prevent the Cisco device from trying to resolve an incorrect entry into an IP address, you can put in the following:
o   Escalate up to “configure terminal” mode
o   Enter the following command: #no ip domain-lookup
·         You can see the previous history of entered commands by typing in:
o   #show history
o   If you want to change the size of the history, perform the following:
§  Escalate to configure terminal level
§  Select console line by typing the following: #line console 0
§  Next type in #history size 50. You can put in any number from 0-256 for how many lines you want history to remember.
·         You can exit by doing Ctrl+Z or by typing #exit.
o   Typing #end will take you all the way back to the beginning of the Cisco device privilege modes.
·         You can see what is on the hard drive or flash of a Cisco device by typing in #show flash.
o   If you want to remove files on the flash, execute the following:
§  #delete flash:’filename’
§  Confirm the deletion.
o   Sometimes files can be deleted by the following command (if they are still stored and not being deleted) #squeeze flash.
·         One vital command which is helpful is the ability to reload the router through CLI. This is performed by typing the following command:
o   #reload in 5
o   This reboots the router in 5 minutes. You can have it reboot in any amount of time you designate.
o   This allows you to wipe the configuration if you have not already committed the changes and saved to the flash.
o   #reload cancel cancels the reboot.
·         #show running-config to show the current configurations which are running on the Cisco device.
·         #show startup-config to show the configurations which will be loaded into the Cisco device upon boot.
·         #copy running-config startup-config” will give you the option to save your current running configuration to the startup configuration fle.
o   #copy run startup-config and #write memory commands also save the configurations (can also just type write).
·         #write erase will allow you to erase your saved configurations in NVRAM and take you back to factory defaults.
·         To kick users from the device execute the following:
o   #show users
o   #clear line vty #
·         To show spanning-tree information for priorities, if an interface is blocked, designated, or the switch is root, and other information:
show spanning-tree” will display the information.

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