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Monday, July 9, 2018

Enabling SSH on Cisco Device

Warning!! These are just basic SSH configurations made in a lab environment. In no way am I recommending these configurations! Please consult your security policies before implementing any security features across your network.

First off, you must associate the device to a domain name, or FQDN for the system to generate encryption keys.
o Ip domain-name “YourDomainNameHere”
Example: ip domain-name lab.local
Next you need to generate the encryption keys. These keys will now be associated with your FQDN, or domain:
o “crypto key generate rsa”
o You should get a message saying keys will now be associated to your domain and should see your domain name: Switch1.lab.local
o You should now see “How many bits in the modulus [512]” This is just your encryption level. 512 is weak, 1024 is standard. More encryption equates to slower speeds. We will input 1024
Next, we will input the command to the VTY terminals to allow SSH:
o Select the VTY lines “vty 0 4” 0 space 4 says, grab all of the lines from 0 to 4. This will program all of them at once.
o Next command: “transport input ssh” this will allow ssh only, you can also do: “transport input ssh telnet” to allow both telnet and ssh. Telnet is not recommended.
o Next do the password: “password cisco”
o Then enable login of the actual lines by typing the command: “login”. This will actually allow the logon ability.
o If you want the local user database to login: “login local” command will allow local logins from the local database. This step requires another step below in order to create accounts to SSH into the device.
Finally, we need to create user accounts for the remote logins. You will create a user by the following steps:
o “username YourUserName secret “YourPassword”
o Example: “username user2 secret cisco”
o You can use secret, or password, but secret is more secure as password will be stored plain text.
Now you can fully log into the device with your newly created username and password.

Warning!! These are just basic SSH configurations made in a lab environment. In no way am I recommending these configurations! Please consult your security policies before implementing any security features across your network.

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